SHMM Future Discography


Aside from the many albums that require reworking before a rerelease, there are many future projects and ones in the works.  STV definitely has a lot of work to do.  For Red Ankh, the next stop for reworking is the symphonic/folk metal albums Red and Black, then the cyber  folk metal album(s) called ‘Green’, and future concepts are as follows:

Saffron – The instrumental tracking for two songs for this album have been mostly completed.  My inspiration for this album comes mainly from Dax Riggs’s many projects and Zeal & Ardor. The idea is to try to fuse dark and melancholic Americana with metal… and gabber… and you can probably understand why I haven’t gotten very far yet.

Sapphire -The instrumental tracking for three songs for this album have been mostly completed, one of them can be heard in full here.  I wish that more people would listen to it; I feel like it is one of my best songs- even in its unfinished form.  The concept here is to merge nineteen eighties synth music, both of the likes of film scores and stage acts, with progressive metal.  That’s how we described it back in 2014, anyway.  Now we can just call it synthwave metal.  Man, am I pumped up for that.  That’s probably what we would be working on right now, if we hadn’t any more pressing responsibilities.

Ultra Pink -Yeah.  Yer gonna laugh.  This is going to be a hands up trance metal album (we goan laugh too).  We are sorry.  We hate most commercial dance, but the stuff we like we looooooooove.  Three songs have been mostly finished for this too.

Musical Instrument Roulette! – This will be a concept album.  We will assign instruments to dice; we will roll said dice; we will make note of instruments chosen in this way.  Next we will assign parts to dice (rhythm, beat, lead, etcetera); we will roll said dice; we will make a song with chosen instruments doing the parts chosen for them.  We have no idea how it will end up sounding.  It will be an adventure!

Melody Machine – We are not even sure if this is supposed to be a Red Ankh album.  It is a collection of four tracks that we’ve had for a while, three of them being psychedelic trance, one of them being a fifteen minute instrumental metal piece.  Um.  Maybe Infected Mushroom inspired everything metal?  We will figure it out eventually.